Tags: Tom clancy's the division news

Tom Clancy's The Division Has Lost Fans' Interest? Will Ubisoft Improve The Title Before Next Year's Launch?

Ubisoft's Tom Clancy's The Division has dwelled over rough waters in the past, and may be continuing to do so. That being said, gamers and patrons of the company may agree that this is not the most admirable title thus far.

Tom Clancy's The Division Still Causes Alarm with Downgraded Graphics; Fans Fear the Worst for Upcoming Ubisoft Title

Ubisoft is one name that fans have recognized over the years. High-end titles series such as Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six and Assassin's Creed earn their reputations cordially, but will Tom Clancy's The Division trek the same path after so much surrounding controversy?

Tom Clancy's The Division Title Hasn't Gone Better For Fans; Feedback Still Negative Before Release Date

Ubisoft has gone up and down the ladder of success because of their multiple titles. But one seems to not have stepped up in any way, namely Tom Clancy's The Division.

Tom Clancy's The Division: Upcoming title not looking good; Will game dev hear the fans out?

Ubisoft's Tom Clancy's The Division has not gone down a smooth road yet before its launch, and with only a little but of time left, what plans are there for the title to ascend? Fans have expressed their dismay, and are continuing to with what's happening to the upcoming promise.

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The guns are hot, the sights are set and the bombs are timed. The months pass by as Ubisoft makes way for Tom Clancy's The Division RPG that will have the fans begging for more!
Read up on how you can be part of the Tom Clancy's The Division Beta, whether you intend to pre-order or not. Those who pre-ordered can redeem the code to gain access once the multiplayer begins later this year. Those who won't can sign up for the waitlist, which are still likely to enter is Ubisoft needs to reach server population goals.
Tom Clancy's The Division debuted approximately six months ahead of E3 2013 when composer Ola Strandh has started to compose the soundtrack that became a piece of the initial gameplay revealed at the event.
The Division's release date has been pushed to January to March 2016. Ubisoft says it is to make sure they provide the best quality of the game to the gamers.
Hot new details on Tom Clancy's The Division release has surfaced online revealing that the game developer, Ubisoft, has recruited another developer to hasten the development of its upcoming open-world third person shooter role-playing game to Xbox One, PS4 and PC platforms.
Ubisoft Studios attendance at E3 2015 Event is confirmed. Will fans receive release date announcement for Tom Clancy's The Division?
As the E3 2015 fast approaches fans who await for Tom Clancy's The Division release date can't get more excited as Ubisoft attendance at the prestigious event is predicted.
Tom Clancy's The Division seemed to have a lot of surprises prepared for their avid fans for this year's release. Reports said that they might even have the treatment for the upcoming E3 game press convention this June. However, amid these speculations, Ubisoft has remained subtle and silent in terms of the exact game release.
Tom Clancy's The Division and Rainbow Six: Siege are set to release this year. The Division has been revealed with Dark Zones loots, The Cleaners faction, and Alpha codes, while Seige has new operator system. More details here.
Ubisoft has unveiled newest details regarding the Tom Clancy's The Division set to release this year on Xbox One, PS4 consoles.