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‘The Young and the Restless’ Spoilers: Nikki Faces Murder, Victoria’s Rumored Exit, Abby’s Fling With Austin Revealed
There is a lot of drama all over Genoa City for the rest of the week as The Young and the Restless spoilers were revealed. Nikki reportedly to face murder after hitting Christine with her car; Abby's well-hidden secret nears discovery, and more.
Samsung Galaxy Note 5 Release Coming with Dual-Edge Display and More Killer Features
Samsung dishes out possibility that the next Galaxy Note device will sport a dual-edge display. The plan came out after Galaxy S6 Edge garnered rounds of claps at the Mobile World Congress whose screen extends to sides.
Dragon Age: Inquisition Patch 5 Party Storage Now Available in Skyhold
Dragon Age: Inquisition Patch 5 adds a party storage to the game that will enhance gameplay experience. A party storage in the Undercroft in Skyhold allows Inquisitors to dump extra gear here.
Samsung Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 Edge US Release Date Guide: Verizon, Sprint, AT&T, T-Mobile
Samsung Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 Edge are announced to be available on April 10 in 20 countries, including the US. Major mobile carriers here particularly Verizon has revealed release date on the second quarter of 2015. Other carriers have yet to announced the exact date.