Trending News

‘The Young and the Restless’ Spoilers: Nikki Faces Murder, Victoria’s Rumored Exit, Abby’s Fling With Austin Revealed

There is a lot of drama all over Genoa City for the rest of the week as The Young and the Restless spoilers were revealed. Nikki reportedly to face murder after hitting Christine with her car; Abby's well-hidden secret nears discovery, and more.

Samsung Galaxy Note 5 Release Coming with Dual-Edge Display and More Killer Features

Samsung dishes out possibility that the next Galaxy Note device will sport a dual-edge display. The plan came out after Galaxy S6 Edge garnered rounds of claps at the Mobile World Congress whose screen extends to sides.

Dragon Age: Inquisition Patch 5 Party Storage Now Available in Skyhold

Dragon Age: Inquisition Patch 5 adds a party storage to the game that will enhance gameplay experience. A party storage in the Undercroft in Skyhold allows Inquisitors to dump extra gear here.

Samsung Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 Edge US Release Date Guide: Verizon, Sprint, AT&T, T-Mobile

Samsung Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 Edge are announced to be available on April 10 in 20 countries, including the US. Major mobile carriers here particularly Verizon has revealed release date on the second quarter of 2015. Other carriers have yet to announced the exact date.

Latest News

Nikki insists on driving a drunken Neil to an Alcoholic Anonymous meeting. On the way they argue, lose control of the car, and end up hitting Christine. Nikki, who was on the wheel, is arrested for her role in the accident.
Ex-girlfriends Taylor Swift and Katy Perry involves in a serious feud. Taylor Swift decided no to talk to her anymore.
Nothing's concrete yet about Apple's upcoming iPad 3, but predictions are slowly rolling out especially those about the previously launched iPad products.
The claims of Thomas Reed and a couple of other witnesses regarding the UFO sighting and alien abduction in 1960’s have already been received as truthful by the Great Barrington Historical Society. They believe that the investigation they conducted gathered enough evidence to recognize the historical factuality of the said sighting and encounter with the strange beings.
We will be seeing more of Zac Efron and Seth Rogen in the sequel of Neighbors 2! Who do you think will join them?
It started with the Sony Movie issue, then came the hacking issue. Could that trigger a war between North Korea and the USA?
The Game Developers 2015 dubbed as the world's largest and long-running special event that pays tribute to the art and science of developing games opens beginning March 2 at the Moscone Convention Center in San Francisco, California.
Selena Gomez posted a photo of her inspirational message to a suicidal fan, recently in her Instagram account. She inspired such fan by saying life is worth to live for and never give up in any life's trial.
Sources believe that it's now the end of Teresa Giudice's as one of the housewives of The Real Housewives of New Jersey after she was sentenced 15-month term for allegedly stealing money. On the other hand, Teresa makes a way her husband Joe won't cheat on him by hiring a maid that would not attract his husband while she's away.
Amid Google's advice to fully-encrypt all the smart phones to ensure security against fraudulent activities involving scammers, Apple Pay now at risks to such related crimes than Samsung Pay.
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