United States
Disneyland Employee Dies After Falling from Golf Cart in Backstage Area
A Disneyland employee has died from injuries sustained after falling from a moving golf cart in the backstage area of the theme park, authorities reported.
Walmart Opposes New York's Panic Button Law for Retail Worker Safety
Walmart opposes a new New York law requiring panic buttons for retail worker safety, citing concerns over potential false alarms, despite the legislation being passed by the state Senate and Assembly and awaiting the governor's signature.
Oregon Authorities Expand Shellfish Harvesting Closures Statewide Due High Level Toxins
Oregon authorities have expanded shellfish harvesting closures statewide due to rising toxin levels, including razor clams and bay clams, following a paralytic shellfish poisoning outbreak.
SNAP Benefits Soar: Families to Receive $120 Boost Starting This Month
Starting this month, SNAP benefits recipients will see a $120 increase in payments as part of the SUN Bucks initiative, aiming to assist families relying on summer nutrition programs.