
Far Cry 4 Complete Edition For PS4 and PC Coming To Europe This June, Details Leaked By Online Retailer

Far Cry 4’s release for the PS4 and PC in Europe was confirmed by Ubisoft after Amazon’s German Division leaked the release date of Far Cry 4 the complete edition.

Heroes of the Storm Open Beta Testing; New MOBA, New gameplay; Blizzard to officially release HotS June 2

Heroes of the Storm beta testing ahead of June 2 official release. Heroes of the Storm offers new and exciting features that revolutionizes today's current MOBA gameplay.

F1 2015 Xbox One, PS4 Top Calibre Features: Pro Season Career Modes, EGO Engine 4.0 Realistic In-Game Physics, Pit Wall Interaction and Live Patches

The F1 series is well known for its ease of access thanks to arcade-like assists, but it is also equally well known for the simulation aspects of gameplay that have been praised for accurately recreating the F1 experience.

House of Cards Season 4 Spoilers: Plot reveals 'less political drama' and be 'more emotional'? Will Frank win back the White House and his wife?

Will Frank win back his wife? Will both be engaged in a political battle in the upcoming season? Fans of House of Cards are excited to know if President Frank Underwood (Kevin Spacey) will be winning back the White House and the heart of his estranged wife Claire (Robin Wright).

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Titanfall 2 release has been confirmed by Electronic Art's Chief Financial Officer, Blake Jorgensen. The expected release of Titanfall 2 was around April 2017 to March 2018. When it comes to what we should expect, the creators haven't confirmed anything except for having it played over multiple platforms.