'Entourage' sequel confirmed? Cameo count for first film is 30+ including Liam Neeson, Warren Buffet and Mark Wahlberg
Even before Entourage hits theaters this summer, Entourage 2 is on the way! At least, according to the director. And it'll be just as celeb-stuffed as the first, which includes dozens of celebrity cameos.
Suicide Squad set photos expose nasty mutant super-soldiers; Are they a product of the Enchantress, or the film's villain?
Photos from the Suicide Squad set show a group of soldiers with very gross mutated faces. Are these the work of the supervillain Enchantress, or the villains the Suicide Squad will face in their first film?
Did Warner Bros Cancel CW's Harley Quinn to Make Room for 'Suicide Squad' and Margot Robbie? Entire CW Suicide Squad Gone for Good?
Arrow's Willa Holland revealed that the CW was forced not to use Harley Quinn in a major storyline. Could DC and WB be making room for Harley Quinn in their upcoming Suicide Squad film?
'Mad Max: Fury Road' and 'Mario Kart' combine in incredible mash-up video; Tom Hardy becomes Mario, fights real-life Chain Chomps
Mad Max: Fury Road and Mario Kart come together for the best viral video you'll see all week (all month, maybe? It's pretty great). 'Mario Kart: Fury Road' edits Blue Shells, Chain Chomps and so much more into the world of Mad Max.