"The Good Wife" star Jess Weixler marries longtime boyfriend Hamish Brocklebank
"The Good Wife" star Jess Weixler marries her longtime boyfriend Hamish Brocklebank in a beach wedding ceremony. The bride's good friend, Jessica Chastain, took to Instagram her message for the couple as caption for a photo from the wedding.
'Sister Wives' Updates: Robyn is acting like the head wife; Adds to Christine's insecurities and marital problems
It was evident in the "Sister Wives" special "Tell All" that Robyn has positioned herself as the head wife of the polygamous family. This can only add to Christine's insecurities and marital problems with Kody.
'XXX: The Return of Xander Cage': Vin Diesel, Ann McCarthy talks about casting; Deepika Padukone not joining?
Columbia Pictures' "XXX 3" movie has gone international with its casting. The Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone is expected to cast along with in Diesel in the upcoming "XXX: The Return of Xander Cage" film.
PlayStation Virtual Reality: Project Morpheus and Compatible Games Announced, Rez Infinite Leads the Lineup
Virtual reality is now set to become reality, as some games show off their VR capabilities. A surprise announcement was made when several new games were added to the partial list of the VR compatible games for the PlayStation 4 during the PlayStation Experience 2015.