Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Day Set on November 23; Single-Player Situations Mode Revealed in New Gameplay Footage


Fans will be experiencing the most exciting "Rainbow Six" event as Ubisoft has recently announced Siege Day. The said event is in celebration of "Tom Clancy's Rainbox Six Siege" and will take place on Monday, November 23, 2015 at Exchange LA. Meanwhile, the latest gameplay footage was released revealing single-player Situations mode to be up and online.

According to Realm of Gaming, the France-based video game developer Ubisoft unveiled the coming of Siege Day, which is a star-studded launch event in awe of "Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege." It will reportedly commence on Monday, November 23 at Exchange LA in Los Angeles and will start with a special undercard tournament.

Siege Day is basically the culmination of The Siege Games, a competitive tour that took place at major gaming events around the United States. It is where gamers battle for the highest score in "Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege." Moreover, the event is believed to feature exclusive gameplay reveals, famous personalities and celebrities, giveaways and a whole lot more.

Meanwhile, Christian Post reported that a new gameplay footage was released for "Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege" and revealed the single-player Situations mode to be online. It is worth noting that the game does not have the traditional video game campaign, thus fans who desire to play the game alone will have to do it using Situations mode. And despite "Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege" being designed as a multiplayer game, there are gamers who prefer to enjoy the game alone. The Situations mode is said to be developed in order to offer missions for single players.

In related news, Attack of the Fanboy noted that "Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege" has been revealed on Xbox Live store. It will take up to 16.54GB of space and is deemed as the lowest file size game that people have to worry come Holiday season.

As of writing, the game's versions are currently being developed for various consoles such as PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4. Nonetheless, fans can always enjoy the upcoming Siege Day on Monday, November 23 as long as they mark their calendars.

What do you think about the single-player Situations mode? Let us know at the comments below.

Tom clancy's rainbow six: siege update, Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege, Ubisoft

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