DOOM 4 Updates: Leaked Footage Reveals Deathmatch; Fans Share Game Views


Following the Doom Closed Alpha testing, a footage leaked online showing a death match between two teams. Fans also shared their views about the game calling it the Best Shooter.

Shack News reported that a footage from the Alpha testing has poured out online. Bethesda and id Software required players of the Alpha testing to sign a non-disclosure agreement and not to publish any content online. However, the leaked footage is from the Playstation 4 version and features a deathmatch played in Heatwave map between teams with six members each. Aside from the deathmatch, the video shows rocket launcher, super shotgun and revenant demon.

Tech Times wrote that Bethesda opened Doom Alpha to players from Playstation 4, Xbox One and PC allowing to test the multiplayer first-person shooter Doom 4. The alpha testing started on December 3 until December 6.

Fans shared what they think of Doom 4 giving reasons why they considered it as Best Shooter for 2016. What Culture imparted the list which includes visuals, sound design, monsters, weapons, multiplayer, snap map, old-school shooter game, unapologetically violent, classic, and considered as new game for new generation.

The site explores that Id Software aim to make Doom 4 even more remarkable with its visual powerhouse while remaining faithful to the unforgettable sound of the moaning zombie, roar of an imp, screech of a demon and the incredible music. Doom maintain iconic creatures no matter how much times passes. The Doom franchise, like its monsters, has some of the best weapons of all.

In addition to being a pioneer of the first-person shooter genre, Doom also helped promote multiplayer. A Doom Snap Map allows users to create, edit, and share their own levels and game modes. A development team embrace some of the traditional ways of designing games, giving it a classic feel. However, players expect the game to be unapologetic violence, with display of heads being ripped open, limbs being pulled apart and bodies being torn to shreds by a chainsaw. More than that, the site added that new generations should experience the classic game of blood-drenched action.

Doom is fourth series by id Software and published by Bethesda Softworks. It will be released on Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One in 2016.

PlayStation 4, Xbox one, PC, Bethesda Softworks

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