'Longmire's Got a Fourth Season, But What About a Fifth? Star A. Martinez Talks Future on Netflix


It's already been a month since "Longmire" was renewed for a fourth season on Netflix, but many fans are still in awe that their strategy of getting angry on Twitter until someone noticed actually worked.

But will the fans be satisfied with just one more season of "Longmire?" Enstars notes that "The Killing," another show rescued from cancellation by Netflix, ran for just a single season. The details aren't clear yet, but Enstars speculates that if the fanbase continues to support the show, it could last a number of years on Netflix.

Indian Country spoke to A. Martinez, who plays a major role on the series as Jacob Nighthorse, and he's still in shock that the show actually got un-cancelled.

"Thanks so much-you know it is like a dream, almost. If you look over the course of this show's lifetime, it feels as if some entity that is huge and is above you gifts you, and you just have to swallow it."

"I have been doing this acting thing for a long long time. The way people feel about this show is so different than the norm. I'm sure there are some people that will look at this and shrug, but the percentage of people who look at the show and decide to buy in is huge."

Martinez also spoke a little bit on how the show might differ now that it's on Netflix, and doesn't have any TV censors breathing down its neck.

"One other nice thing is we can perhaps be a little grittier in our storytelling, which is closer to what the books are like. We can afford to get just that much closer to the bone."

According to Enstars, the fourth season of "Longmire" will likely begin shooting in March, and premiere sometime in late 2015.

Check back soon for the latest "Longmire" news.

Longmire, Longmire season 4, Longmire Cancellation, Longmire News, Longmire Renewal, Longmire Season 4 News, Netflix

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