Android 5.1.1 ‘test build’ for Samsung Galaxy S6 unveils exciting features: upgraded camera app, motion effect, and more


An early build of the Android 5.1.1 for Samsung Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge was recently tested, demonstrating "exciting" features such as changing exposure on the camera focus point, organize apps in alphabetical order, remove S Finder and Quick Connect, and many more.

SamMobile was able to use the "test build" of the Android 5.1.1 update for the Samsung Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge.

An "exciting" improvement was pointed out in the 5.1.1 update for the S6. The YouTube video showed that the "test build" will bring a camera feature that allows users to change an exposure on their focus point. With the upgrade, the S6's camera will focus on a certain part of the subject through a tap, and a widget will then appear to allow users to adjust the lighting, offering professional shots.

Another feature that the Lollipop upgrade will bring is enabling device owners to easily organize their applications in an app menu. Users can find an "A-Z" button and arrange their apps in alphabetical order.

The 5.1.1 update will also make users remove the S Finder and Quick Connect from the notifications.

Other minor improvements that the "test build" will bring are a purple-colored "Theme Store" found at the bottom of the screen when tapping the "Theme Menu" as well as a "motion effect" for the home screen wallpaper.

However, the downside of the "test build" was the absence of the multi-user support. Nevertheless, Samsung might add it on the release date of the Lollipop upgrade for S6.

Besides the Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge, International Business Times reports that the Android 5.1.1 update would also arrive in the Samsung Galaxy Note 4, and will also have the same camera app upgrade that has "better exposure control and lower ISO."

Readers should take note that it is still a "test build," and that some features of the Lollipop upgrade might be changed, improved, or removed by the Korean company along the way.

As for the roll out date, the Android 5.1.1 update for Samsung Galaxy S6, S6 Edge is expected to be at the end of June or beginning of July.

Android 5.1.1, Samsung galaxy s6, Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge, Galaxy note 4, Samsung Group, Samsung Galaxy, Mobile phone, Samsung Electronics, Android lollipop, Samsung S6, Samsung S6 Edge, S6 Edge, Galaxy S6 Edge

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