Android 5.1.1 Lollipop Update: OTA & Custom Release for Samsung Galaxy S4 and Galaxy S4 LTE


Android 5.1.1 Lollipop update has not been announced for Samsung Galaxy S4 and Galaxy S4 LTE but some reports are firm that the tech titan will be releasing the final Lollipop firmware to these devices along with key features and bug fixes.

As the Android 6.0 Marshmallow been set for a late September debut, Samsung Galaxy S4 and Galaxy S4 LTE owners can expect that Android 5.1.1 Lollipop is coming close to their devices. Like its changelog shows to other devices already receiving the update, the new Lollipop will carry with it a long-term solution to the Stagefright fix and mobile radio active bug which has been causing excessive battery drain among phones.

Aside from the said bug fixes, Android 5.1.1 also brings battery life improvements and overall performance optimization. Although Samsung has not been giving a hint when to release the update for Galaxy S4 and Galaxy S4 LTE smartphones, several custom ROMs like Halcyon, Candy 5 and Paranoid have already been developed to give users the chance to experience Lollipop's latest offering.

The Lollipop-based custom ROM Paranoid brings key features, some are totally new, some are forward-looking to the Marshmallow update.

  • Wallpapers of Android 6.0 Marshmallow
  • Advanced translation options
  • Enable/Disable button on Ambient display
  • LED options on boot
  • Advanced options for key control
  • Tinnier battery padding options

Another Lollipop-based custom ROM is the Candy 5 which brings a more personal and newer features.

  • Custom Cake kernel
  • SuperSU
  • Candy UI
  • Omniswitch
  • Battery bar
  • Battery percent
  • Lockscreeen notification per app
  • 360 degree rotation
  • Wake options
  • Clock and date settings
  • Recents panel options
  • New navigation bar
  • Lockscreen shortcuts
  • More animations

To begin downloading the custom ROMs to Samsung Galaxy S4 and S4 LTE, make sure devices are the right model versions. Take note warranty will be voided once installation is carried out. Before proceeding, charge up phone to at least 80 percent and back up all necessary data stored on the device since the download will wipe out all information.

Samsung Galaxy S4, Samsung Galaxy S4 News, Samsung Galaxy S4 Updates, Samsung galaxy s4 specs, Samsung galaxy s4 android 5.1.1 lollipop update, Android 5.1.1 lollipop news, Android 5.1.1 Lollipop updates, Android 5.1.1 lollipop bug fixes

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