Gears of War: Ultimate Edition Built on Gears of War Core; 'One of the Best Games on Xbox One in 2015'


Gears of War: Ultimate Edition had received mixed reviews by the experts. Its predecessor, the Gears of War was tagged as one of the most influential video games during its time. First released nine years ago for Xbox 360, the game was considered by mainstream gamers as unique and fresh - with spectacular visuals combined with ingenuous combat concept between robust space marines and reptilian aliens to boot.

The Gears of War: Ultimate Edition is The Coalition's pilot project for the said franchise. The team built the Ultimate Edition from the previous game's core, as if being both tributary and strategic at the same time.

As reported in Polygon, "the team decided that the best way to learn Gears would be to revisit original developer Epic's work on the game that started the series." The end-result was "a completely intact, gameplay-identical version of Gears' campaign, albeit, one with a complete visual overhaul, and a revamped vision of the original game's multiplayer mode with tweaks both big and small, the most drastic being a locked 60 fps frame rate."

And despite giving a dissent over the decision of overhauling Gears of War, The Verge turned charitable when it said in the end, "So yes, despite some presentational quibbles, you should absolutely pick up the Ultimate Edition if you have an Xbox One and have never played Gears of War. And the fact that it's one of the very best games on the Xbox One in 2015 serves as somewhat of an indictment of the industry; Gears was the rare blockbuster with brains as well as brawn."

One way or the other, a remake will always be in the shadows of its predecessor. And gaming experts will always have pieces of their mind out in the open. Especially if the original proved to be a phenomenon and had created a throng of followers. Or, had even inspired other studios to follow suit - its cover-based combat concept, for example.

But, let's hope Gears of War: Ultimate Edition will step up to its plate, as the game will be out tomorrow.

Gears of war ultimate edition

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