Tags: Gears of war ultimate edition

Microsoft Xbox Store Exclusive 2015 Black Friday Deals: Digitals and Bundles

Microsoft Xbox Store has released its exclusive 2015 Black Friday deals of Xbox Bundles, as well as its digital deals.

Black Friday Sale 2015 Deals: Toys ‘R’ Us vs Game Stop

Stores like Toys R Us and Game Stop gear up their best game deals for the upcoming Black Friday Sale 2015.

5 Ways to Save this Black Friday and Have Extra Money for Great Deals on Consoles, Games, and Accessories

Here are five ways to save up some extra buck to buy your gaming stuff this coming Black Friday sale.

Gears of War: Ultimate Edition Built on Gears of War Core; 'One of the Best Games on Xbox One in 2015'

The fate of Gears of War: Ultimate Edition will be tested tomorrow. Will it just stay in the silhouette or make a phenomenal mark as well?

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Read up on the enhancements to be made for Gears of War Ultimate Edition as The Coalition had the beta test already. The remaster will feature several gameplay changes which will make it worth playing for frans of the franchise, not to mention the Gears of War 4 beta access.
The Gears of War Ultimate Edition Beta was a complete success based on the franchise's official Twitter account, with all the stats seen on an infographic. Those who purchase the game for its release in August 2015 for the Xbox one will also gain Gears of War 4 Beta Access which starts in 2016. A PC version is on the way with an unspecified date.
New screenshots for what appears to be a remastered version of Gears of War would suggest the game is completely real.