
Marco Janeczek is on board Hybrid Paytech Payment Advisory Committee

Marco Janeczek joined the Hybrid Paytech Payment Advisory Committee, Freeport Capital Inc. announced today.

Xiao becomes gray after IPO freeze in China

China Stock Market top regulator Xiao Gang attended a meeting in July with gray hair which sparked debates if he was overwhelmed with challenges confronting Asia's worse stock market or he has just ceased in dying his hair.

Zynga to lose more executives this month

Zynga Inc. lost three more top executives this month, following more than a dozen exit of top managers in the company after it announced IPO last December 2011.

Alcatel-Lucent team up with Qualcomm for small cell development

Alcatel-Lucent partnered with Qualcomm for small cell development. Alcatel-Lucent and Qualcom partner for small cell development. The development aimed to be useful for enterprise and residential deployments.

Latest News

Carl Icahn contested the conditions in Michael Dell's latest offer to the PC maker Dell Inc. On Monday, billionaire investor Carl Icahn and Southeastern Asset Management, an investment firm, stated that Michael Dell wanted to avoid the voting process behind the deal.
Amazon announced that it would add 7,000 new jobs in its warehouses before the US president Barack Obama's visit.
Nicola Horlick stated that she has launched a new venture, Glentham Capital, and intends to raise up to GBP150,000.
William Franke stated that he will be stepping down from his position as chairman of Spirit Airlines as Indigo Partners LLC divest their stake in the company.
Arthur Samberg and Mario Gabelli revealed that they have donated a total of US$40 million to the Columbia Business School for its new business school campus.
MVC Capital revealed that it had appointed Scott J. Schuenke as chief financial officer replacing Peter Seidenberg.
Summer Street Capital revealed that it had appointed Amy Standing as the firm's chief financial officer as current CFO, Ron Fleissner, retires.
Private equity investment firm Encore Consumer Capital welcomes Daniel Gross back as new vice president.
The country's largest Italian ice franchise appoints Michael Lorelli as the new executive chairman of the board.
Michael Dell said yesterday that there will be no more increase in the buyout offer he and Silver Lake has for Dell Inc.
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