Diana's love affair with Hasnat Khan on Vanity Fair's September issue
Princess Diana's tragic love affair with Hasnat Khan will be detailed in the upcoming September 2013 issue of Vanity Fair.
Trending pic: Shirtless Nick Jonas; Jonas Bros to open new Gaston restaurant?
A picture of Nick Jonas shirtless was trending online. The internet is abuzz with news of a picture of Nick Jonas shirtless. It seemed the singer joined the shirtless dude bandwagon by posting his picture in Instagram Tuesday.
Justin Bieber spits on fans?
Justin Bieber was involved in another controversy involving spitting on his fans. A rumor of Justin Bieber's latest controversial behavior was reported online.
Cowell's first born care of close friend's wife, Lauren Silverman
Cowell's first born care of close friend's wife, Lauren Silverman Simon Cowell will have his first born through Lauren Silverman, the wife of his close friend, Andrew.