
Bloomberg Editor in Chief Apologizes

Bloomberg Editor in Chief issues an apology, calling the access as inexcusable. The Editor in Chief of Bloomberg News, Matthew Winkler, apologized Monday for allowing its journalists 'limited access' to sensitive data on how clients utilized the ubiquitous Bloomberg terminals.

Chief Finance Officer of KeyCorp to Retire

KeyCorp CFO to retire soon. KeyCorp disclosed today that current Chief Financial Officer Jeffrey B. Weeden has notified the company of his intent to retire after almost 11 years in the firm.

New President of Sharp Corp to be announced

The new president of Sharp Corp is to be announced together with its earnings report for the year ending March 31, 2013.

Coleman Cannon added to Silicon Legal Strategy

Coleman Cannon adds his expertise to the San Francisco office of Silicon Legal Strategy. Silicon Legal Strategy disclosed today the addition of Coleman Cannon as Senior Associate in its San Francisco headquarters.

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Swiss Finance Minister said that the government would be debating on the issue of bank secrecy on two specific points.
NN appoints Richard Holder as its new CEO. There is a new CEO for NN and the new appointee is Richard Holder to be effective on June 3, 2013. Holder is replacing Roderick Baty, who is retiring from the office.
Bloomberg news reporters had access to personal information of those using the news service, leading to ethical issues as to its use.
Hess, in a move to address criticisms, splits the position of CEO from Chairman. In a bold move, Hess Corp would be splitting the roles of chairman and chief executive officer in its annual shareholders meeting next week.
Harry Winston is now a Swatch unit to be headed by Nayla Hayek, daughter of Swatch group founder Nicolas Hayek.
John Hancock and sister Bianca Rinehart sues to remove their mother as trustee of the Hope Margaret Hancock Trust.
Einhorn of Greenlight Capital gives advice and provides fearless forecast. David Einhorn is one of the most observed hedge fund managers in the industry.
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