Skilling's Sentence Lowered
Former Enron CEO Jeff Skilling is set to be released from prison by 2018 because of an agreement with federal prosecutors.
MaRS Welcomes Salim Teja
MaRS welcomes Salim Teja as ICE Sector Program Managing Director. In an announcement from the MaRS Discovery District, it was happy to disclose the appointment Salim Teja as the ICE Sector Program's Managing Director.
Menezes is new Diageo CEO
Ivan Menezes replaces Paul Walsh as the new CEO of Diageo. The globe's largest spirits distiller, Diageo, has announced that Ivan Menezes would become the new Chief Executive Officer of the company replacing Paul Walsh.
Buffett Rebuffs Suntech Rumor
Buffett denies speculation that Suntech is in the list of acquisitions of MidAmerican Energy. The chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, Warren Buffett has indicated that he has no plans to purchase Suntech Power Holdings Co.