Mitsui and Kawasaki Set to Merge

Nikkei reports Mitsui and Kawasaki are in merger discussions. Mitsui Engineering and Shipbuilding Co and Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd are to begin merger discussions.

Boston's Toll Emotional and Economic

As one of the most productive cities in the world, the one week terror lockdown has both economic and emotional scars on the proud city.

Greece May Receive Rescue Aid to Pay Bills

Greece to receive aid for payment of its bills. According to reports of two Greek newspapers on Saturday, about Eur3. 2 billion was set aside to rescue Greece from its financial obligations, which came earlier than expected.

Austrians Polled Won't Mind Relaxation of Bank Secrecy Laws for Foreigners

In polls conducted by two newspapers, Austrians do not mind relaxation of bank secrecy laws for foreign accounts in their banking system.

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