Oil slump hits $125-mn property debt in North Dakota
The continuous drop in oil price for the past 18 months may impact $125 million real estate-backed securitized loans in North Dakota. The oil drillers in North Dakota have reduced their activity in the wake of lower oil prices. The reduced activity in shale hubs is poised to dampen the property market in North Dakota.
South Korean exports drop for 12 months
Continuing 12-month falling streak, South Korea suffered drop in exports during December 2015 as well. The sluggish Chinese demand and weaker global outlook have impacted South Korea's exports in 2015. The drop in exports surpassed the forecast of economists.
China passes new controversial anti-terrorism law
The Chinese government just passed a new controversial anti-terrorism law as part of the country's effort to curb any threat either from the inside or outside of the country. According to the new law, the Chinese authority has the right to request for sensitive information from any technology firms in the country.
Afghanistan is Still The World's Largest Opium and Heroin Producer
Opium production has been one of Afghanistan source of economy. Since 1950's in the area known as Golden Crescent is a well-known opium and heroin production in the world.