Jakarta greenlights Uber operations

Uber Technologies Inc. said it had been given approval from Jakarta governor to operate as a fully legal entity in the Indonesian capital, assuming it meets local tax rules and other requirements laid out by the government.

Norovirus outbreak in Seattle sickens 200 people

The U.S. health officials announced on Monday that as many as 200 people who attended a catered event at a downtown Seattle's Russell Investments Center have become ill with norovirus.

The Biggest Twitter Moments Of 2015

Twitter, a kind of real time pulse tracking the events as they happen where people from around the gather in moments of triumph, activism, support and fascination to express their views, have revealed the most popular tweets of 2015. The hashtag # JeSuisParis, used to show solidarity with the French capital in the wake of its second terrorist attack, marked the most talked-about moment of the year.

Windows 10 Lumia for the budget smartphone market sells for $139

Budget consumers itching to get their hands on a Windows 10 run smartphone could rejoice to the release of the Lumia 550 as it is up for grabs for only $139. Gizmodo writes the phone is perfect for those who need a Windows phone but are on a tight budget because it is the cheapest Windows 10 handset available yet.

Latest News

Despite Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's "womenomics" plan to encourage more Japanese women in the workforce, the country doesn't seem to want to follow it. Japan's gender equality bureau has reduced its goal of hiring women in senior positions from 30% to 7% and leadership positions in the private sector to 15% by 2020.
Australia's Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, has announced a huge investment of $1.1 billion innovation fund to help startups and STEM. The National Innovation and Science Agenda, announced at Australia's science body in Canberra CSIRO on Monday, has been labeled as an "ideas boom" to move Australia forward after the "mining boom."
Imagine downloading a HD movie in less than 36 seconds. AT&T has announced that they will be expanding their gigabit-speed fiber Internet service, called GigaPower, to 38 more cities.
Due to the heavy flooding in Chennai, India, there was a great necessity for assistance in getting locals out of the affected areas. The C-17 Globemaster and the C-130J Super Hercules answered their cries of help.
How Takata Corp. handled their air bag crisis is the very reason why they lost one of their biggest investors, Sawakami Asset Management. In a statement published from Bloomberg News, Sawakami's fund manager, Takahiro Kusakari, said they could not help but feel Takata's management is not trustworthy.
The BMW i8 Spyder was first seen as a concept in the Beijing Auto Show back in 2012, but now, CEO Harald Krueger said a production version of the car will be introduced very soon.
This year, Apple is supporting the annual Hour of Code program by using all of its 468 stores all over the world as temporary classrooms teaching coding. Craig Federighi, Apple's senior vice president of software engineering, hopes to create a spark from this project among millions of children.
A Philippine judge clarified Saturday that the ruling of his court doesn't stop operations of ride-sharing companies, but only suspend the application of permits by prospective drivers.
Hong Kong's international financial hub is reeling under pressure as the world's largest and second largest economies are impacting it more in a negative way.
Bugatti partnered with Wisconsin-based Palmer Johnson to develop an open-superyacht called Niniette, which costs $2.1 million to $3.5 million.
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