Colombian central bank hints at rate hike
The Colombian Central Bank is heading towards a hike in interest rate. The Colombian government is keen on checking inflation rise and control the current account deficit.
Ted Cruz Campaign collects psychological data from Millions of Facebook users
US Presidential Candidate Ted Cruz harvests data called "psychographic profiles" from tens of millions of US citizens in Facebook. According to The Guardian Ted Cruz's campaign collected these data without the permission of the Facebook users.
Congress to abolish crude export restrictions, oil refiners to receive $3 a barrel tax break
The US Congress is pushing a tax break for oil refiners as a compromise to finally allow unrestricted crude-oil exports. According to The Wall Street Journal, the bill could potentially end the long-time ban on U.S. oil exports, which has been around for forty years.
Jumbo jets may be heading to extinction amid changes in regulations, business dynamics
After ruling the global aviation sector for over 40 years, the wide-body jumbo jets faces a threat of possible extinction. The Boeing 747 wide-body, long-range jumbo jet faces stiff competition from Airbus A-380. Boeing sees a drop in orders for jumbo jets while Airbus has not received an order for the double-decker A-380 after the major order it won from Emirates Airlines.