C-17 Globemaster and C-130J Super Hercules: Heroic Machines in Chennai Floods
Due to the heavy flooding in Chennai, India, there was a great necessity for assistance in getting locals out of the affected areas. The C-17 Globemaster and the C-130J Super Hercules answered their cries of help.
Takata downplayed air bag crisis and lost major investor because of it
How Takata Corp. handled their air bag crisis is the very reason why they lost one of their biggest investors, Sawakami Asset Management. In a statement published from Bloomberg News, Sawakami's fund manager, Takahiro Kusakari, said they could not help but feel Takata's management is not trustworthy.
The BMW i8 Spyder will be in production very soon, says CEO Harald Krueger
The BMW i8 Spyder was first seen as a concept in the Beijing Auto Show back in 2012, but now, CEO Harald Krueger said a production version of the car will be introduced very soon.
Apple joins Hour of Code project by using stores as classrooms to teach coding
This year, Apple is supporting the annual Hour of Code program by using all of its 468 stores all over the world as temporary classrooms teaching coding. Craig Federighi, Apple's senior vice president of software engineering, hopes to create a spark from this project among millions of children.