Elon Musk's Open A.I. reached $1 billion funding in hopes to develop Artificial Intelligence
Tesla Motors Inc CEO Elon Musk and other prominent tech company executives raised $1 billion through an initiative called Open A.I. to fund an artificial intelligence research company.
Samsung Electronics and Baidu to form auto team in search of growth driver
Samsung has taken a decision a take an alternative business of automobile. The reason behind this is the declining profit generated from its Samsung handsets.
Painkillers, Heroin increase US overdose cases
A powerful type of opioid painkillers and Heroin are the leading causes of drug overdose in the US, according to new federal statistics. Yahoo News reported that opioid painkillers have long been the leading reasons for overdose deaths in the US, but cases of death with heroin use have recently grown.
YouTuber creates Lego Chicken McNugget vending machine
YouTuber Astonishing Studios created a vending machine made out of LEGO toys that dispenses McDonald's chicken McNugget.