Twitter's Direct Message To Control Botnet The Comfortable And Effective Way
Turns out Twitter's extension of Direct Message passed 140 characters accidentally gives botnet administrators a stealthy and streamlined approach to control their bots.
Google announced new updates on Local Guides program in Google Maps
Google announced that its expanding the Local Guide program in Google Maps with new updates on its integrated rewards program. The Local Guides feature encourages and rewards users to provide information on area business, including reviews, photos, and other details.
How to Create Prosperous Business Presentation in 6 Easy Ways
Business presentations can be a nervy experience. Developing your confidence and capability to provide good presentations and standing up in front of an audience and speaking well, are colossally helpful competencies for self-development and social situations.
Uber signs multi-year digital mapping deal with TomTom
Uber Technologies Inc. announced that it has signed a global multi-year deal with the Dutch company TomTom to provide maps and traffic data to Uber for use in its navigation for Uber drivers.