Japan, US rule out re-opening of trade pact

The US and Japan governments have made it clear that there wouldn't be re-opening a Pacific trade deal and further stated that any such attempt would further damage the whole pact.

EIA cuts 2016 production forecast for US

The US Energy Information Administration (EIA) has lowered outlook for the US crude production in 2016. EIA has reduced the forecast for 2016 by one percent in the US oil production.

Nvidia launches Jetson TX1 for AI powered devices

The GPU-centric company Nvidia announced a new developer module called Jetson TX1 with an emphasis on machine learning to equip boards, drones, robotics, and other devices. The piece of machine learning hardware is described to be the size of a credit card.

Volkswagen facing ire of dealers, lags behind peers in auto sales

Hit by its emission-scandal, Volkswagen is lagging behind in the global automobile market, while auto sales are encouraging picking up mostly in the US. The German auto giant is facing adverse conditions in the automobile market globally after the emission norms scandal broke. The company is struggling to get back angry dealers to business mode to prevent further loss.

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German automobile giant Volkswagen is changing gears to lead the organization on damage control path to appease its angry customers. The image of Volkswagen has severely been damaged on the fallout of its attempt to cheat customers and the US government over emission standards.
General Electric Co. and Alstom have won contracts from India's state owned rail company worth a combined of $5.6 billion to supply and service diesel locomotives as the country works to modernise its infrastructure. The contracts are also the biggest deal to be awarded by India to foreign firms.
Blackberry, a global leader in mobile communications, confirmed that its first ever smartphone powered by Android PRIV is now commercially available at AT&T retailers in North America including carrier partners in Canada i.e. Bell, Rogers, SeskTel, Tellus and Wind.
As part of the labor agreement, the US automobile major Ford has decided to invest $9 billion in plants located in North America. Similarly, General Motors (GM) has also assured the labor union on investment of $1.9 billion and Fiat Chrysler to invest $5.3 billion as part of the contracts signed with the labor union.
New World Wealth (NWW), a South Africa-based market research consultancy, released the lists of wealthiest countries, ranked by using its own new method.
Messaging app Snapchat announced it is generating 6 billion video views every day. The number is three times the number of daily views in May.
PayPal received complaints from UK parents for taking away the magic of Christmas and the mystery that surrounds Santa Claus. Most kids still probably hold on to the magical belief that Santa delivers Christmas presents in the middle of the night when the children were asleep.
As it has been going through all the year, the Euro group meeting will entirely be focused and dedicated to Greece only. Indeed, the Greek government expects to adopt all the remaining measures needed to get hold of €2 billion second sub-tranche of the bailout programme.
Opera's new data-management app will be pre-installed into phones from 14 OEMs, the company announced November 8. According to Tech Crunch, the new Opera Max will be integrated to 100 million Android phones by 2017, including Samsung, Xiaomi, Acer, TWZ, and Hisense.
China's import dropped again in October for the 12th consecutive time, according to official data revealed Sunday. BBC News reported that China's imports on October went down 18.8 percent to $130.8 billion.
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