Drop in agriculture brings down Hungary economic growth in Q3 below forecast
Registering slowest growth rate during the past nine quarters, Hungary's economy growth rate was weakest during the third quarter ending September as agriculture production drop impacted the gross domestic product (GDP) significantly. The stagnant construction activity coupled with underscoring risks to the government's capacity to keep up the economic momentum has been adversely impacting the GDP growth rate.
Google, The Leader in Autonomous Driving
Google can power related technologies and information from its projects and investments compared to traditional vehicle manufacturers. Autonomous driving keeps to be one of the most widespread research and recent development activities within the global automotive industry.
Smart Helmet Gives Eyes Behind Your Back
A motorcycle accident fired up a creativity to design helmet to increase safety. Skully AR-1 is a smart helmet with heads-up display and rear facing camera. The founder and inventor is inspired by his accident. The helmet may soon be ready for shipping.
Indonesia challenges China's claims on South China Sea claims
Indonesia's Foreign Minister on Thursday announced that its country demanded China to explain and prove its claims on the South China Sea, as Indonesia accuses China of claiming parts of the Indonesian-ruled Natuna Islands to be part of China's nine-dash line.