Obama to sign TPP deal with Philippines and Vietnam in APEC Summit
US President Barack Obama is heading for an Asian trip and is expected to join the APEC Summit in Manila to talk about the Trans-Pacific Partnership. The Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC) summit, which will be attended by all Asia-Pacific leaders will be the center of Obama's attention to deliver a speech and convince leaders to sign the agreement.
Amazon offers great deals through 'Amazon Pantry'
Online shopping has not been limited to non-perishable goods, clothes and beauty products. The continuously growing online demand for perishable products has raised the competition level among many shopping retailers, who are struggling to maintain their position by offering affordable packages.
Food Safety: How to avoid food poisoning while traveling
Food poisoning is always a possibility that cannot be ignored during international trips. However, with the right planning of the trip and a few advices from other travelers, tourists should be able to enjoy their next trip abroad without worrying that they'll end up being ill after eating bad food.
China Doubles The Deposit For Stock Margin Trading
China will double the deposit needed for investors to obtain funds to trade stocks, known as margin trading - The Shanghai stock trade explained on Friday, as authorities look to constrain a practice that made an enormous market bubble.