Tags: Dragon Age Inquisition Patch 5

Dragon Age: Inquisition Fans Feel Dismay Over New Update; Developer BioWare Says It Is Not The End of the Story

BioWare has promised fans of the Dragon Age: Inquisition installment that they are to make a better update compared to the previous ones. With that, the developers now have a big plate to finish, with fans keeping their eyes on the clock.

Dragon Age Inquisition Jaws of Hakkon PS4 Release Remains Uncertain; PS3, Xbox 360 DLC to Arrive by May

After being released in various days in November 2014, Dragon Age: Inquisition had its first game add-on in March 23, 2015 as Jaws of Hakkon. Moreover, it came to users by storm since there was no prior announcement before its release. In addition, it only came to Xbox One and PC platforms due to an exclusivity agreement that also prevented Bioware, developer of the game, to release details as to when the contract ends and the date for Dragon Age: Inquisition Jaws of Hakkon PS4 release.

Dragon Age Inquisition, Mass Effect 4, & Mortal Kombat X News Roundup: May 2015 Release, Developments, Sample DLC Characters, And More

Dragon Age: Inquisition, Mass Effect 4 and Mortal Kombat X top the news this week. Dragon Age: Inquisition is confirmed on a May 2015 release. Mass Effect 4 is teased with a huge development. Mortal Kombat X has sample DLC characters.

Dragon Age: Inquisition Now Available on Xbox One for Free Until March 16

Dragon Age: Inquisition is now available on Xbox One for free beginning March 10 until March 16. Part of this week's Deals with Gold promotion includes Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition, Murdered: Soul Suspect, Zombie Driver Ultimate Edition, and more.

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Bioware has confirmed on Twitter that the anticipated main feature of Dragon Age: Inquisition Patch 5 had been held back for the latest update. Bioware explained that they are working out some issues discovered during beta test of the feature.
Bioware reveals notes for Dragon Age: Inquisition Patch 5 yesterday. Changes and additions to the game include fixed Loot Exploit, Charging Bull and Quarry Quandry, True Grit privilege for all party members, and more. However, there was no mention of Black Emporium.
Bioware's lead visual artist Ryan Rosansky explained the magic of FX found on Dragon Age: Inquisition recently that caused confusion among game geeks. Rosansky said FX power has quite a bit of work just in all the elemental upgrades to the weapons.
Though the official date of release has not been confirmed by BioWare as of the moment, yet, they have recently launched a beta program to repond to key concerns to all players.
With the latest update of Dragon Age: Inquisition, developer Bioware brings in fans suggestions for the role-player video game. Exciting additions include the custom hero biographyn, new aauto-attack key, and the Black Emporium.
Dragon Age: Inquisition's fift installment is under beta test to identify possible issues that may get in the way in its official release. The role-player video game welcomes the inclusion of Black Emporium, an underground black market that allows players to buy exotic items.