Tags: Elite: Dangerous Horizons

‘Elite Dangerous: Horizons’ Expansion to Release on 15 December

Frontier Developments have announced the release of Elite: Dangerous Horizons expansion on December 15.

Elite Dangerous: Horizons Beta Available Now; Frontier Development Details Pre-Order Prices for Special Edition

Frontier Developments' Elite Dangerous: Horizons looks good for the time being, and with so much promise for the title before it launches, a beta could be the best news so far. The development team has a whole array of marvelous features that needs to be seen to be believed.

Elite Dangerous: Horizons Now With 400 Billion Star Systems; 60% Landable Surfaces

Land and explore star systems in this new Elite Dangerous expansion called Horizons. Elite Dangerous: Horizons is slated for a holiday release with exciting additions like surface landing and exploration among other new feautures.

Elite Dangerous Horizons SRV Features Detailed by Frontier Developments; Vehicle Shown in New Footage

The space-oriented title of Frontier Developments, Elite Dangerous: Horizons, has currently released another spectacular move-- adding a transportation privilege to the system. The features of the new vehicular marvel is to be tackled, and exploration has another limb to hang on to.

Latest News

Frontier Developments clarified a few things about the Elite: Dangerous Lifetime Expansion Pass. CQC Championships will collide in September.
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