Tags: Film

'Planet of the Apes 3' spoilers to involve time travel? Casting rumors point to koba's return

'Planet of the Apes 3' might involve a lot of time travel... Planet of the Apes 3 is one of the future summer blockbusters we've heard almost nothing about.

'Ghostbusters' Cast Update, Spoilers: Melissa McCarthy to play a ghost? Paul Feig spills story details in new interview

Melissa McCarthy could come back from the dead in 'Ghostbusters.' When Ghostbusters- the upcoming reboot, that is- first announced its cast, the first name associated with the movie was a name everyone was expecting: Melissa McCarthy.

'Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice' Trailer: Superman loses in final battle? New details on upcoming trailer

Batman might lay a smackdown on Superman in 'Batman vs Superman.' "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" is set to have one of the biggest and most anticipated fights in comic book movie history- obviously, we're referring to the first fateful time when Batman (played by Ben Affleck) and Superman (Henry Cavill) lay a beatdown on each other.

'Fast & Furious 7' Download: Last of the Franchise? Paul Walker's Final Scene Leaked Online

Could 'Furious 7' be the end of the 'Fast & Furious' movies? Furious 7 crushed the box office last weekend with a record-breaking opening and has made $800 million already at the global box office.

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Is Dwayne Johnson playing coy about his 'Shazam' casting? Shazam's been taking an interesting route with its casting. Dwayne Johnson was cast as the villain, Black Adam- an ancient Egyptian slave who was given superhuman powers from the wizard Shazam and used the for evil, eventually trying to enslave the modern world to his will.
Just what is Joe Manganiello doing in a Pee Wee Herman movie? "Pee Wee's Big Holiday", the newest Pee Wee Herman film from Paul Reubens, just took a bizarre turn.
Why would anyone write Jeff Bridges out of 'Tron 3?' "Tron 3" has been confirmed! Despite middling reviews from critics for the second Tron film, "Tron: Legacy", Disney is reportedly moving forward on a third film- which, according to the latest rumors, will be titled "Tron: Ascension.
Can you see Jackie Chan as an 'Expendables' villain? "Expendables 4" doesn't seem like Sylvester Stallone's priority right now, but perhaps it should be.
'Avengers: Infinity War' could become the ultimate superhero crossover. For Avengers: Infinity War, one of the biggest conundrums is how to fit an ever-increasing cast of characters into a single crossover movie (and if the early reviews are any indication, Avengers: Age of Ultron might suffer just a little bit from the same problem).
That Mighty Morphin Power Rangers movie might have found the greatest possible Zordon Despite Lionsgate's announcement of a Mighty Morphin Power Rangers movie adaptation quite a while ago, we've yet to hear anything about the casting for the film's upcoming reboot.
We may already have a few plot details for 'Black Panther' We already know that Chadwick Boseman will play the titular Black Panther (aka T'Challa) in Marvel's upcoming Black Panther film, but we haven't known any other major cast members in the next Marvel film.
There may be a MASSIVE secret hidden in 'Terminator Genisys...' The Terminator franchise is no stranger to massive, unexpected plot twists. The original film might not have had any major ones, but Terminator 2 kept a major secret under wraps- that Arnold Schwarzenegger's time-traveling cyborg assassin was actually the good guy, and the supposed police officer, player by Robert Patrick (actually a much more advanced-and nastier- robot) was the real villain.
Finally a 'Grand Theft Auto' movie... just not the one you're thinking of. Daniel Radcliffe, of Harry Potter fame, is starring in a Grand Theft Auto movie.
We may never get a 'Furious 8'... Furious 7 wasn't just successful at the box office. It was one of the most successful films of all time at the box office, pulling in $392 million in its first weekend worldwide.
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