Tags: George R.R. Martin

George R.R. Martin Kills Characters Freely Plot News: Interview Reveals Merciless High Death Rate for Game of Thrones Series A Dream of Spring

George R.R. Martin expresses plans to kill more characters as plot brings Game of Thrones players together.

"Game of Thrones" Update: Winds of Winter to Release in 2017, George R. R. Martin "Stubborn" in Finishing Series

Despite constant speculation over when the next "A Song of Ice and Fire" novel will finally release, a new report has 2017 as the book's eventual release date.

"Game of Thrones" Update: "Winds of Winter" Release Date Troubles, George R. R. Martin Abandons HBO, Tyrion's Fate Revealed

According to "A Song of Ice and Fire" mastermind George R. R. Martin, he will have a substantially lessened role on the next season of HBO's "Game of Thrones"

Jason Momoa 'Khal Drogo' curses George R.R. Martin for Khal Drogo’s early demise in Game of Thrones

Jason Momoa isn't happy about Khal Drogo's early death in Game of Thrones, curses George R.R. Martin.

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George R.R. Martin is still on the hot media as his creation, "Winds of Winter's" release is being predicted by many writers and fans (especially "Game of Thrones" fans). "Game of Thrones" is primarily based on Martin's "A Song of Fire and Ice".
Westeros will continue to ignite chaos as for the dwarf Tyrion Lannister, who previously killed his own father, plans to take down her sister Cersei. What scenarios may arise on the hit HBO TV Series?
Now that the fifth season of HBO's "Game of Thrones" has been concluded, fans are asking if the sixth book in George R.R. Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire" series (where the TV series is based) will come out anytime soon.
Game of Thrones progresses into seasons 5 and 6, material from George R.R Martin books dwindle. How to continue the show forward to season 7 sticking to the books, when Winds of Winter, the sixth book, is reportedly hundreds of pages smaller than his earlier works.
A new character in George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire, the books from where the hit TV series Game of Thrones is based, will soon appear in one of the books.
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