Tags: One A9

Android 6.0.1 Mashmallow Update For HTC One A9 Rolling Out This Month

The Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow Update for the HTC One A9 is expected to be released this month. HTC which was recently reported to be rolling out the Android 6.

HTC One A9 Android 6.0 Marshmallow Update Expected Soon

HTC One A9 is expected to receive the Android 6.0 Marshmallow update. Some of the developments and enhancements that will arrive alongside the new OS were also detailed.

HTC One A9 Android 6.0 Marshmallow Update Received; 1st non-Nexus handset to launch with Android OS

The HTC One A9 get the first Android Marshmallow update. The company has kept its promise to all owners of faster access to security patches.

HTC One A9: An iPhone 6 Look-a-Like Running on Android Marshmallow OS

The HTC One A9 looks similar as Apple's iPhone 6. It runs on Android Marshmallow right out of the box and features high-quality sound.

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With their closeness in design and features, HTC One A9 and iPhone 6s certainly gives each other a competitive battle in the smartphone arena. Which one will earn the top spot?