Tags: Orange Is The New Black

Original Content is King to Netflix's 'World Domination' Strategy

On-demand streaming media giant Netflix has a very simple long-term plan: world domination. If the California company has its way, it will happen by the end of 2016, and it will come by way of original content.

‘OITNB’ Season 4 to develop Poussey, Soso relationship; Suzane will have love interest?

Poussey and Soso relationship may take center stage during 'OITNB’ Season 4. Suzane may also find her her true love.

Nicky Nichols in maximum security ward was necessary; ‘OITNB’ Season 4 to feature her revenge?

Nicky Nichols moved in maximum security ward was necessary, says Natasha Lyonne. ‘OITNB’ Season 4 might feature her revenge.

Ruby Rose reveals preparation for nude scene in 'Orange is the New Black’

Ruby Rose was given little notice before her bathroom nude scene for “Orange is the New Black”. The petite actress said she still had to do a major juice cleanse.

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Laura Prepon credits Scientology behind ‘Orange Is The New Black’ Season 3 success. Season 4 will be darker than ever.
'Orange Is The New Black' season 3 has been talking about Judaism lately and a rabbi was actually interviewed noting how spot-on the show is when it comes to the religion. Also, Lea DeLaria was interviewed recently and there were so much information about the actress that fans did not know of.
'Orange Is The New Black' has a new cast and it is Annie Golden playing a mute character named Norma. The Season 3 Episode 7 entitled 'Tongue-Tied' has made the fans of the show guess whether this new comer is good or bad.
‘Orange Is The New Black’ season 3 backstories and emotional pain took center stage. Ruby Rose in limelight this season.
Alex and Piper will be dealing with their issues in “Orange Is the New Black” season 3. The Netflix hit series will also highlight the mothers inside detention to follow the show’s lighter and more emotional theme. The favorite inmates return this Friday, June 12.
New inmates will be expected to join in Orange is the New Black Season 3. Some characters will no longer be seen while the new season offers several other interesting plots.
“Orange Is the New Black” creator Jenji Kohan admits that she wants to incorporate more nudity in the show and fans of the Netflix hit should watch out if that will pan out during the show’s third season. Season 3 will take motherhood and faith as its new theme as the dramedy hits online streaming on June 12.
The “Orange is the New Black” Season 3 is about to return this June and marks Alex’ return to Litchfield. Fun, drama, excitement and entertainment is guaranteed just by the looks featured in the latest trailer from Netflix.
Fans can expect something ‘spiritual’ as the new poster for the third season of ‘Orange Is the New Black’ has been revealed by Netflix. The poster features faces of five characters while on saint candles. Make sure not to miss this on its debut on Netflix this June 12 as more characters will be joining.
The new poster for 'Orange is the New Black' is covered with Easter Eggs. Orange is the New Black is primed to be one of the biggest releases on Netflix this year, if not the outright biggest (and this year, we've already had House of Cards and Daredevil to contend with).
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