Tags: PlayStation 4 News

Nintendo NX to Go Toe to Toe with Xbox One and PS4

Console rivalry has always been between Sony and Microsoft, but the PS4 and Xbox One just may be seeing a contender in the up and coming Nintendo NX.

'Horizon: Zero Dawn' game engine is 'non-tutorialized': Game encourages players to learn the best way to defeat enemies

Guerilla Games art director Jan-Bart van Beek says that the upcoming PS4 game "Horizon: Zero Dawn" will not feature a tutorialized introduction to the game's mechanics, but will instead encourage players to discover enemy weaknesses on their own.

Playstation UK's Fergal Gara Offers His Thoughts on Recently and Soon to be Released Games for PS4

Playstation UK's Fergal Gara commented on the lineup of games coming to the Playstation 4 for the rest of 2015.

How to Replace or Upgrade the Playstation 4 Hard Drive; Step by Step guide included

The Playstation 4 comes with a default 500GB hard drive, which is definitely insufficient for many gamers out there.On the average, a game can take up as much as 50GB each. With DLCs or new games coming in, it's never enough so it's time to upgrade to a TB-sized hard drive.

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PS4 blog manager Fred Dutton just announced that a major update is coming up for PlayStation 4 soon. The update will bring in features like new theme colors, SharePlay, and background music.
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