Tags: Red Dead Redemption sequel

Red Dead Redemption 2 imminent release announcement plausible at Xbox PressCon August 4; Jack Morston the next protagonist?

The latest whispers on the imminent Red Dead Redemption 2 release announcement are making the rounds online especially now that GamesCom 2015 is set to kick off this week. Rumors have it that Rockstar Game's next big title will be revealed during Microsoft's Press Conference on August 4th. .

Red Dead Redemption 2 Storyline, Setting Revealed by Dev Insider; 3rd Mysterious Protagonist to Join Irish and Seth Playable Similar to GTA 5

Rockstar Games confirms the release date set for the latest sequel of the Red Dead series, Red Dead Redemption 2, after much false rumours about its development. Latest reveals also suggests that the setting of the game is in Japan, leaving the fans to wonder if it would still have that Old Western feel the Red Dead series is known for.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Latest Updates: Rumored sequel title ‘Legends of the West’ leaked; Rockstar reveals more at E3 2015?

Read up on the latest info about Red Dead Redemption 2 and decide for yourself if the sequel will happen soon despite lack of word from Rockstar.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Japan Release Date: Gameplay similar to GTA Online Heist missions? Game mechanics, features, playable characters revealed

Slated for 2016 release, Red Dead Redemption 2 series will arrive along with a new gameplay especially with its new set from the Old West feel to the timeless Japanese old times. One leak was revealed lately with a claim of having a sequel of the game possible. What is more interesting is that it would likely to have similar gameplay with GTA Online Heists.

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A report from Rockstar has just confirmed that they are working on a sequel to 2010's immensely popular 'Red Dead Redemption.'
With its sequel titled "Red Dead Redemption 2" confirmed by a Rockstar Games developer, fanatics are more than thrilled on the video game installment's impending release, which is said to be on November 2015 for XBox One and Playstation 4. Gamers predicted that the timeline is perfect, considering it is within the E3 conference season.