Tags: Whitney Houston

Bobbi Kristina Brown death update: Aunt Leolah Brown speaks new evidence

Leolah Brown revealed of a possible new evidence regarding her niece Bobbi Kristina Brown's death. Danyela Bradley, best friend of the deceased star, also shared more information pointing out to Brown's boyfriend Nick Gordon as the primary suspect.

Love and respect of Bobbie Kristina Brown's family overflew at her wake, controversies were spotted too

The wake of Bobbie Kristina Brown was attended by her loved ones. They expressed how Bobbie was important and loved by her families and freinds.

‘Bobbi Kristina Updates’: Barely Hanging On To Life; Family Upsets Towards Rumored Oprah Bailout and Leaked Hospice Pictures?

Bobbi Kristina is still in coma and her closest family and friends have been visiting her as reports of her deteriorating health and last days are imminent. To add insult to injury, there has been a trivial matter on the misunderstanding with Oprah Winfrey.

Bobbi Kristina Brown Updates: Final days are coming? Tyler Perry joins family for vigil prayers?

Bobbi Kristina Brown is not getting any better. Her family has all but lost hope. Tyler Perry has already joined family in prayers.

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A new book might reveal the secrets of Bobbi Kristina Brown's dark past. Was there indeed foul play in the Nick Gordon and Bobbi Brown relationship?
Bobbi Kristina Brown still remains unresponsive. Is there any hope for the 22-year old? Bobbi Kristina Brown's condition isn't getting any better.
As Bobbi Brown struggles for her life, her family is still battling over who gets the final say in her health care. In the meantime, Nick Gordon is still banned from seeing his girlfriend.
Bobby Brown files for guardianship over the remaining $20 million estate because he wants to give the best care for his daughter, Bobbi Kristina Brown. However, Cissy Houston seems to be angry because she sees Bobby planning to take her granddaughter’s money. According to her, she will fight Bobby to the grave to stop him from stealing the money.
Bobbi Kristina Brown is awake and no longer in a coma but she remains unresponsive and has irreversible brain damage, her grandmother Cissy Houston said, following Bobby Brown’s controversial comments on Bobbi’s condition this weekend.
Kristina Bobbi Brown still currently under a medically induced comma, the Houston family wants to pull the plug on Bobbi's life support but Bobby Brown refuses. Criminal investigation on Nick Gordon's involvement is still ongoing.
Cissy and Pat Houston are reportedly convincing Bobby Brown into taking off Bobbi Kristina Brown's life support in order to gain Whitney Houston's $20 million inheritance. Chaka Khan also expressed her support for Bobbi Kristina's condition.
Nick Gordon appears in 'Dr. Phil' show, hosted by psychiatric expert Dr. Phil McGraw. According to some reports, it's Nick mom Michelle who requested the interview so the fame doctor can help her 25-year-old son.
Bobbi Kristina Brown's aunt Leolah Brown publicly claimed that her niece's boyfriend Nick Gordon is under police investigation for Bobbi's attempted murder.
Nick Gordon was so intoxicated with drugs and booze that he turned suicidal and violent in an interview with Dr. Phil. The "interview," which was set up by Gordon's mother, Michelle, is actually an intervention from Dr. Phil. During the "interview" Gordon broke down into tears, screaming "miss Krissy and Whitney. I hate Bobby Brown."
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