Tags: Winds of Winter predictions

George R.R. Martin Latest Updates: Winds of Winter tells death of a female character

George R.R. Martin's Winds of Winter may have further delays with the author's tight schedule. Unexpected deaths to be revealed on the next book.

‘Game of Thrones’ Season 6 Latest Updates: Director read Winds of Winter? Casting calls in place for show

Game of Thrones' director was rumored to have read Winds of Winter. Meanwhile, the team is already preparing to shoot for next season.

‘Game of Thrones’ Latest Updates: Massive and vicious dragons next season? Winds of Winter release date before Season 6

Game of Thrones season 6 is said to have a lot of dragons. Winds of Winter might be released prior premiere of TV series.

'The Winds of Winter' Release, Plot: George R.R. Martin to finish the novel by Spring 2016; 'Game of Thrones' Season 5 tells an entirely different plot

Winds of Winter might be out by Spring of next year. Game of Thrones has a very different plot, which means the book will surprise us with a fresh and an untold story.

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Know the latest updates on Winds of Winter. What are the developments on George R.R. Martin's book? Will we have the full copy this year?
Winds of Winter release date will be sometime next year. Fans are getting frustrated but George R.R. Martin doesn't want to rush his book.
Winds of Winter will be out in the market this 2016. While fans are getting frustrated, some of them resorted to watching Game of Thrones. Learn more about the book and the TV series from here.
Winds of Winter will be available by last quarter of 2015. In the meantime, fans can drool over the great episodes of Game of Thrones which will be airing this April
Winds of Winter might be available this year. Game of Thrones will show some incredible spoilers about the book.
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