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'The Flash' Season 2 Update: Mid-Season Finale Is A Christmas Episode, Villain King Shark To Return

The mid-season finale of 'The Flash' is said to be about Christmas. The villain King Shark will be seen again.

Android 6.0 Marshmallow Update Schedule For Samsung Handsets Revealed

Samsung handsets will be receiving the Android 6.0 Marshmallow. The schedules of the roll out has been leaked online.

‘Halo 5’ Latest DLC ‘Battle of Shadow and Light’ Updates Teased From Livestream

343 Industries has provided a sneak peek of updates on Halo 5’s first DLC, Battle of Shadow and Light through a hint from the Halo 5 Livestream video.

'General Hospital' Spoilers: Morgan Gets Violent And Could Assault Kiki, Jason Confesses His Feelings To Liz

Spoilers for ‘General Hospital’ this week include Morgan getting violent. Fans will also get to see Jason confessing to Liz.

Latest News

The spoilers for 'Castle' Season 8 fall finale have been released. It is said that Stana Katic and Nathan Fillion will be undoubtedly funny.
As Black Friday comes closer and closer, retailers are catching up on releasing more deals. Costco announced that they will be giving $100 discounts on a line of mid-range laptops.
The Huawei Mate S is arguably one of the phone creator's more well-crafted devices. It has also been announced to be receiving the Android 6.0 Marshmallow firmware update, although, there are no specific talks as to when.
With the celebration caused by 104 titles of the Xbox 360 that is now available to gamers on Xbox One, there is a probability that PS4 might be quietly sneaking in capabilities for backwards compatibility to the console as well.
‘Agent Carter’ Season 2 will surely mesmerized the fans and fanatics as it returns on its primetime slot by next year. Love life and new mission revealed.
"Y&R" spoilers for November 23-27 reveal that Neil is forced to confess to Devon everything regarding Hilary's kidnapping, Victor is back in helping Adam to get out of prison while Lily defends Joe against Cane's accusations of framing him and wanting him killed.
The new 4-inch iPhone is said to be in the works already. According to recent reports, the production of this new iPhone has started and will be arriving in mid-2016.
Microsoft has suddenly pulled out the Windows 10 update to its media creation tool process. The Windows 10 version 1511 is said to be available through the MCT, but eventually disabled and will just be accessible via Windows Update.
The spoilers for ‘Reign’ Season 3 Episode 7 reveals the dark secrets of Don Carlos as well as the struggles of Mary as she tries to survive in the court.
The BlackBerry Priv offers excellent security at the price of $699. The Microsoft Lumia 950 XL is said to have better graphics, features, and processor than the Priv, at a more affordable price of $649.
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