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'Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham" features Bizzaro and Friends DLC Release: Discounts, Season Pass limited stocks available; Cheats for five DLC packs revealed
Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham was released in multiple platforms last year together with its DLC packs. These packs were The Dark Knight pack, then Man of Steel, the rest of the three packs will be Batman 75th. Cheats were also made available.
‘Longmire’ Season 4 Spoilers Update: Plot centers on Walt’s wife, depression takes place; Cady further investigates her mother’s death
Longmire Season 4 will be on Netflix this fall. What would be the dramas and actions we are to witness?
Uncharted 4: A Thief's End PS4 Release Date, Rumors: Nathan Drake appears more human? Naughty Dog to launch game by Spring 2016
Avid fans of "Uncharted 4" release, sadly, they have to wait for Nathan Drake, as justified. Naughty Dog hasn't confirmed about this claim, however, several reason already popped online why they should expected nothing for this year as the game will be pushed through 2016.
Fallout 4 PS4, Xbox One Release Date: Fable, Witcher, Shadow of Mordor sequels possible? Bethesda confirms presence in E3
A lot "Fallout 4" speculations about its release were already out, might as well consider the possible sequel of the upcoming game. Though Bethesda merely confirmed about its presence to E3 this year, however, their silence towards the game progress deafened the gamers.