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'Dead Rising 2' heading to Steam: What changes to expect

"Dead Rising 2" is now set to become a Steam commodity. The zombie-infested action games "Dead Rising 2" and "Dead Rising 2: Off the Record" are now formally parts of Steam, according to PC Gamer.

The MSI GT80 Titan gaming laptop brings the speed and the specs for eager players everywhere

Get the lowdown on the new MSI GT80 Titan gaming laptop. The MSI GT80 gaming laptop is a worthy rival for high-end desktops designed for gaming, according to PC World.

Dragon Ball Xenoverse DLC 2 PS4, Xbox One Update: Next expansion pack to release end of March? Bandai Namco reveals fresh add-on details

Following the release of Dragon Ball Xenoverse first DLC this week adding new missions, characters, special moves and more to delight the DBX fans, Bandai Namco now share details on the game's second upcoming DLC.

'Pink Panther' £7 Million Jewel Heist Update: Evidence of Gem Theft Discovered Outside Paris

The notorious 'Pink Panther' gang has struck again. The Pink Panthers gang has struck again, performing a devastating jewel heist, stealing precious gems worth £6.

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While The Leftovers Season 2 has yet to be addressed, fans feel that there are still too many questions that the show has to address. Will The Leftovers Season 2 address The Departure?
The Broadwell processors and Force Touch trackpad features in the 13-inch MacBook with Retina 2015 update come as minor upgrades to the device but are just the right changes to keep it as the top choice among high-end portable Apple laptops.
What does Lionsgate's new deal mean for its films? Lionsgate and China's Hunan TV & Broadcast Intermediary have just made massive waves in the entertainment industry.
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 upcoming release adds Hanabi as a playable character evealed in this month's V-Jump magazine and the Hyugga Clan Combination attack will be the strongest Ultimate Jutsu in the game, according to the scans.
Are 'Prometheus 2' and 'Alien 5' battling or working together? Prometheus 2 was hotly anticipated as the latest installment of the Alien franchise.
Despite now having broken the record of most streames albums on spotify, Rap artist Kendrick Lamar's album has suffered from a leakage. Reports have said that the artist's management have taken action and pulled out records from iTunes.
Will Castle Season 8 be happening? The latest episode seems to be a good indicator that it will. Castle fans may have finally gotten what they were wishing for.
Supernatural's 'Paint it Black' gives us more gruesome scenes. Here are some of the things we know about the episode. Read on for more information.
Rumors start to spur online on the next GTA 5 Online Casino DLC release in the coming months alongside the speculation lingering for a long time now that the game could get Zombie DLC, Military DLC.
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