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iPhone 6S Update: Runs on Ultrafast Intel Chip; Better Wireless Compatibility Around the Globe
iPhone 6S will be powered by the XMM 7630 LTE chip by Intel®. The company’s CEO reveals they strive to develop cutting-edge parts and Apple being an innovative company, did not find it hard to opt for the Intel chip over competitors. The chip gives phones mobile download speed of up to 450mbps.
Kim and Kanye have a threesome sex video? Man claims to be on possession on the controversial footage
A leaked threesome sex video was reported to surface online soon. The video features Kim Kardashian, husband Kanye West, and an unidentified blonde woman. The video was said to be from the stolen laptop of Kanye. The couple has yet to comment on the matter.
Battlefield 720p on Xbox One News: Hardline Resolution Revealed, DmC's Sexually Suggestive Lines Deleted, Gamers Frustrated About These New Updates [Video]
This week the Battlefield Hardline resolution has been revealed, the GTA Heist is a large download file and DmC's sexy lines get axed. Fans and gamers are not happy about and expressed their frustrations in different games forums:
Kim Kardashian plastic surgery is real claims close friend
UsWeekly magazine revealed, through an unnamed close pal of Kim Kardashian that the latter's appearance is a fake. The magazine claims that Kim had undergone numerous plastic surgery both for her face and her body.