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'The Young and the Restless' March 13 Spoilers: Jack and Phyllis Relationship Deepens; Austin’s Secrets Revealed to Summer
Summer learns Austin’s true intentions in a recently unearthed video, while Jack and Phyllis’ wedding is set to push through. Adam drinks to drown sorrows over Chelsea’s impending nuptials.
'Final Fantasy XV' PS4, PS3, PS Vita features Coleman to camping gears: Square Enix receives impressive reviews
Square Enix has set itself to a lot of Final Fantasy series to release this year. They have Final Fantasy Type-0 HD, Final Fantasy XV, Final Fantasy X/X2 HD Remaster along with some expansions such as Final Fantasy X: Eternal Calm and Final Fantasy X-2: Last Mission. From these titles, new features excite fans including advertising Coleman.
Xiaomi Mi 4 Pre-Installed Malware Hacking: Xiaomi Points Out to Bluebox Using Counterfeit Mi 4
Xiaomi denies the Pre Installed Malware Hacking issue in their Mi 4. The Chinese smart phone producer claims that Bluebox had used a counterfeit Mi 4 for their research.
'The Young and the Restless' Spoilers: Cursed Wedding Dress Burns; Ailing Michael Depressed; Clues to Abby’s Attacker Emerge
Avery gets rid of the wedding dress that she wore during a failed earlier marriage. Meanwhile, Michael sinks into depression despite positive treatment options for his ailment. Abby may know her attacker but keeps it from authorities.