Trending News
'Star Wars: Battlefront' Release Date, Gameplay: Open World AAA Title Arrives Alongside "The Force Awakens" Premiere this December; New Trailer Unveils at GDC?
The open world AAA title, Star Wars Battlefront, arrives alongside Star Wars: The Force Awakens premiere this December.
‘Dragon Ball: XenoVerse’ PS4, XBox One Release Date: New Trailer Reveals More Characters; Customization to be Unveiled
“Dragon Ball: XenoVerse” is expected to hit the PlayStation and Xbox consoles on February. A Steam release is also due on the same month. Game will feature new characters, customization and improved gameplay.
Former NFL-Star Aaron Hernandez To Face Trial This Thursday — Murder Charges Lack Forensic Evidence
Former NFL star Aaron Hernandez will face trial with charges of murder and illegal firearms for killing his friend, Odin Lloyd, former semi-football player, last 2013. Court has chosen 18 jury for the case with 13 women and 5 men. The trial will be witnessed with media especially on TV.
'Longmire' Season 4 Premiere, Spoilers: Will Walter Face Betrayal and a Lonely Road? Writer Teases More Hints On New Plot
Writer Tony Tost teases another clue on Twitter that could mean Walter Longmire is heading a lonely road and facing betrayal.