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Konami says microtransactions will not lead to pay to win option emerging in Metal Gear Solid V
Konami addressed concerns regarding microtransactions appearing in Metal Gear Solid V, saying that these will not allow players to exploit a pay to win option.
Prototype and Prototype 2 could be coming to the Playstation 4 as remastered games
Both Prototype and Prototype 2 are reportedly coming to the Playstation after supposed achievement leaks for the games surface online.
Uncharted 4 demo contains cleverly-hidden easter egg possibly indicating plotlines for the upcoming game
An easter egg in a new gameplay demo for Uncharted 4 could be hinting at the storyline for the upcoming game.
Ubisoft's For Honor looking to reimagine the way combat takes place inside games
Ubisoft's For Honor could be on the verge of reinventing the very concept of in-game combat. Ubisoft's E3 appearance was highlighted by their announcement of the new IP, For Honor, and it appears the studio has high hopes for how their new title may change the way in-game combat is designed.