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‘The Flash’ Season 1 Episode 19 Spoilers: Barry Confronts Dr. Wells Plus More Crossover Scenes with ‘Arrow’
"The Flash" Season 1 Spoilers reveal that Barry and Joe will uncover Wells' deceased body, which could lead to the most awaited confrontation between Barry and Dr. Wells. Spoilers also indicate that there will be more "Arrow" and "The Flash" crossover scenes, as Barry enlists help from Captain Lance in the upcoming episode titled, "Who Is Harrison Wells."
‘Arrow’ Season 3 Spoilers: Will Oliver Accept Ra Al Ghul’s Offer?
"Arrow" Season 3 spoilers reveal Oliver dressed in a League of Assassins' uniform, as shown in the latest promo clip for the upcoming crossover episode between "Arrow" and "The Flash." Fans began speculating that Oliver will succumb to Ra Al Ghul's will in order to revive Roy from the dead.
‘Pretty Little Liars’ Season 6 Spoilers: Aria and Ezra Start Building Their Own Family in Time Jump
"Pretty Little Liars" star Lucy Hale revealed that she hopes to see Aria and Ezra starting to build their own family when the show returns for season six and undergoes a major time jump.
‘Dr. Strange’ Cast, Plot Updates: Film to feature a British Dr. Strange? Plot spoilers revealed by director Scott Derrickson?
Cast and spoilers on the “Dr. Strange” movie may be scarce but the film’s director Scott Derrickson may have actually spilled the plot of the upcoming film in his social media account. The movie, starring Benedict Cumberbatch is also reported to be highlighting a British accent Dr. Strange.