The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Latest Patch for Xbox One, PS4 Now OUT; New Sidequest Added in this Week's FREE DLC
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt free DLC for this week includes a new sidequest called Where the Cat and Wolf Play while the anticipated release of Patch 1.05 for Xbox One and PS4 is now live and available for download.
Save Hefty 80% Off on Xbox Deals With Gold this Week; Grab FREE Plants vs. Zombies, Gears of War 3, AC IV: Black Flag, So Many Me
This week's Xbox Deals with Gold allows subscribers to save up to 80% discount on superb titles including Peggle 2, Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare, plus other games until July 6th. Also, four exciting games are offered for free this month and are now available for download, namely,Plants Vs. Zombies, Gears of War 3, So Many Me and Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag.
Call of Duty Advanced Warfare Xbox One Gets Denial Champs Elite Character Gear Set Today; Final DLC Arrives to PS4, PS3, and PC
The CALL of Duty: Advanced Warfare Final DLC, Supremacy, goes live for PS3 and PS4 anytime today.Supremacy, the third and final DLC of Call of Duty Advanced Warfare transports players the future to year 2054 and adds four new multiplayer maps, namely the Parliament, Kremlin, Compound, and Skyrise which all feature EXO Grapple Exo Grapple gameplay and a new Exo Zombies chapter.
F1 2015 EGO Game Engine Brings 20 Major Upgrades; PC Version Requires 64 Bit OS, 20GB HDD Space
The highly anticipated F1 2015 debuting to current gen consoles, Xbox One, PS4 and PC this July brings a promise for gamers to 'race like a champion'.Game developer Codemasters is reportedly hard at work to fulfill this promise to all the racing fans across the world to get a realistic experience with F1 2015 lifelike gameplay brough about by the company's company's proprietary revolutionary EGO game engine that is also used behind the development of DiRT Rally and DiRT 4.