Yahoo to shut down Maps and other services
California-based Yahoo Inc will be shutting down its maps website and other services at the end of the month, Yahoo's chief architect, Amotz Maimon said in a blog post.
'Avengers: Infinity Wars, Guardians of the Galaxy' crossover along with 'Doctor Strange' and 'Spider-Man' Likely?
Additional superheroes will help the Avengers save the world from the evil Thanos. Characters like Doctor Strange and Spider-Man will appear in the Avengers: Infinity Wars.The third installment for the 'Avengers' trilogy will be divided in two parts: 'Avengers: Infinity War 1' which will be released on 2018 and the part 2 on 2019.
Dollar shines as jobs report supports case for Fed hike in Sept
The dollar held firm in early Asia on Monday, trading near 13-year highs against the yen after strong U.S. employment data bolstered expectations for an interest rate hike by the Federal Reserve before year-end.
'Iron Man 4' not Happening? Marvel Cinematic Universe busy on other Avengers Films, Cancellation Conclusive?
Maybe the Marvel Cinematic Universe is so busy making films that 'Iron Man 4' has no slot in their docket. There still has no confirmation if the said film will come to theaters soon, but actor Robert Downey Jr. has nothing to lose as he will appear in some upcoming Marvel movies.