Apple expected to focus on watch, music at developer conference
Apple is expected to unveil a new music service and better tools to build apps for its smartwatch at its annual gathering of developers in San Francisco on Monday.
"Once Upon A Time" Season 5 Spoilers: Emma Will Be A Villain For A Short Time As Fans Are Asking Producers To Focus On Snow White And Prince Charming
"Once Upon A Time" is on break but fans cannot get enough of the series as Emma had her name written down on the dagger so she has become the dark one. Spoilers for the fifth season of the show have been revealed and new characters will be helping in resolving the issue of Emma becoming the dark one.
Yahoo to shut down Maps and other services
California-based Yahoo Inc will be shutting down its maps website and other services at the end of the month, Yahoo's chief architect, Amotz Maimon said in a blog post.
'Avengers: Infinity Wars, Guardians of the Galaxy' crossover along with 'Doctor Strange' and 'Spider-Man' Likely?
Additional superheroes will help the Avengers save the world from the evil Thanos. Characters like Doctor Strange and Spider-Man will appear in the Avengers: Infinity Wars.The third installment for the 'Avengers' trilogy will be divided in two parts: 'Avengers: Infinity War 1' which will be released on 2018 and the part 2 on 2019.