iPhone 6s Bug is Causing Users to Lose Data
Apple Community Forums are flooding once more with complaints about another iPhone 6s and 6s Plus bug that is causing users to lose data after restoring information through iCloud
Elite Dangerous: Horizons Now With 400 Billion Star Systems; 60% Landable Surfaces
Land and explore star systems in this new Elite Dangerous expansion called Horizons. Elite Dangerous: Horizons is slated for a holiday release with exciting additions like surface landing and exploration among other new feautures.
Apple Pencil Retails at Best Buy; Stylus Available Only via In-Store Purchase
Apple Pencil comes to Best Buy in time for the holiday season shopping and Black Friday sale. The stylus will be offered at US$99.99 and will be an in-store item only.
NCIS Season 13 Episode 10 Spoilers: A Special Thanksgiving Episode; Ellie Bishop Comes Home; An Important Mission; New Character Joins In
The next episode of NCIS Season 13 will be an emotional one as they celebrate Thanksgiving. Ellie Bishop returns to Oklahoma for Thanksgiving. Meanwhile, the NCIS team will receive a special mission from the Navy Secretary.