The Bachelor 2016 Premieres Jan. 2016: Olivia Caridi, A Fake Contestant; Frontrunner Becca Tilley Still A Virgin?
Olivia Caridi turns out to be a fake contestant in "The Bachelor" 2016. Reports say that she joined the show for her personal fame. Meanwhile, Becca Tilley who revealed that she's still a virgin is the game's frontrunner.
Person of Interest Season 5 Premiere, Spoilers: Root, Shaw's relationship struggles; EP Jonathan Nolan reveals meaty details
Sarah teases that Root and Shaw will have some relationship struggles in "Person of Interest" Season 5. Other than that, Jonathan Nolan spilled some details about the upcoming episodes.
Blade Runner 2 Possibly Titled 'Android's Dream'; Filmmaker Ridley Scott Talks Harrison Ford's Character, Ryan Gosling As Main Protagonist
Ridley Scott revealed details on the upcoming Blade Runner 2. Scott admitted that Denis Villeneuve was not the first choice to helm the film, and addressed the issue on Harrison Ford's Rick Deckard's identity. The film is also speculated to be entitled Android's Dream.
Gearbox Studios and 2K Games open call for Battleborn closed beta registration; Battleborn closed beta testing starts October 29th
Gearbox Studios and 2K Games have opened their doors to gamers for the official closed beta testing. Register now to participate in the closed beta sessions starting October 29th.