Actavis Purchases Rights over Valeant's Gel
Actavis purchases Valeant's antibiotic vaginal gel worth US$55 million. Actavis, the generic pharmaceutical firm, has purchased the global rights to Valeant Pharmaceuticals International's antibiotic vaginal gel.
NV5 acquires Consilium Partners LLC
In a cash and share combination purchase, NV5 acquires Consilium Partners. NV5 Holdings Inc is in the business of providing of professional and technical engineering and consulting solutions.
Berkshire Hathaway's Stockholder Meeting To Be Spiced Up
Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway would hold its shareholder meeting with a new twist on the festivities.
GDF Suez and Santos May Seek New Partner for Bonaparte LNG
GDF Suez and Santos may seek partners and/or investors for offshore Bonaparte LNG project. Australia's third largest oil production company, Santos Ltd has announced that the proposed Bonaparte floating LNG venture with GDF Suez SA off the northen coast may require another partner.