Tags: Beau Willimon

‘House of Cards’ Season 4 brings death of Dough Stamper? Series writer Beau Willimon shares show’s development

‘House of Cards’ Season 4 may bring death of Dough Stamper. Series writer Beau Willimon shares show’s development.

‘House of Cards’ Season 4: Frank should ‘watch his step’ as Claire is bound to do anything she wants, Kevin Spacey says

Kevin Spacey thinks Frank Underwood should “watch his step” now that Claire left him and is free to do whatever she wants. Fans of the series have a lot to look forward to in the next season of “House of Cards” that is set to return on 2016.

House of Cards Season 4 Spoilers: Plot reveals 'less political drama' and be 'more emotional'? Will Frank win back the White House and his wife?

Will Frank win back his wife? Will both be engaged in a political battle in the upcoming season? Fans of House of Cards are excited to know if President Frank Underwood (Kevin Spacey) will be winning back the White House and the heart of his estranged wife Claire (Robin Wright).

‘House of Cards’ Season 4 filming reveals MAJOR spoilers; Frank and Claire’s relationship might end badly

‘House of Cards’ Season 4 filming reveals MAJOR spoilers. Frank and Claire’s relationship might end badly.

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‘House of Cards’ Spoilers: Claire runs for president to compete Frank; Is divorce coming up in Season 4?
While 'House of Cards' creator Beau WIllimon refuses to discuss the storyline for the show's third season, new rumors indicate the show may turn to focus on foreign politics.
Enstarz reported speculations abou the possibility that Doug might return in the upcoming season of "House of Cards" despite the fact that his predicament last season indicated that he is already dead.
Netflix's "House of Cards" recently hit a production snag when trying to film in the UN Security Council Chamber. Meanwhile, series creator Beau Willimon sends a new cryptic Tweet about the third season.